Habits Program

Adapt your lifestyle to our effective habit program

Our Habit program is designed to help you establish empowering gym habits that not only enhance your fitness journey but also transcend into your everyday life.

Our best personal development programs, including PT Training in St Ives. Uncover the secrets of habits that pave the way to success, both inside and outside the gym.

  • Join our 8-week personal development program designed to help you establish lasting habits
  • Get the chance to attend 3 free educational nights where qualified nutritionists explain the program and training concepts in simple terms.
  • Start with an initial consultation to set clear goals, covering body composition, performance improvements, and habit building.
  • Receive weekly feedback and round-the-clock support from your personal trainer, who will guide you through aspects like diet, sleep, and hydration.
  • You’ll also enjoy access to 4 group sessions and 1-2 additional one-on-one sessions that are customized to your performance-based objectives.

Join us in St Iveson a path of personal growth that extends far beyond the gym walls.