
Your FAQs Answered

Our gym FAQs are designed to provide you with the clarity you need. Feel free to explore this section and get the details you're looking for.

Not at all! That's what we're here for. Many of our members are returning to training after a break or are beginners.

Absolutely! Our trainers excel at customizing exercises to work around injuries, ensuring everyone can safely participate while still being challenged.

Kickstart your fitness journey with our highly recommended 4-Week Intro Program. This program is expertly designed to ease you into training progressively and with precision, a proven formula for success. Start Now

To begin, we suggest committing to 2 sessions per week. Once you start feeling the difference and have built some consistency, most of our members aim for 3-4 sessions weekly, depending on individual goals and schedules.

Our sessions are designed to fit seamlessly into your day, running for around 45 minutes. They include a warm-up, the workout, and an optional cool-down for those who want that extra TLC. Our "turn up anytime" classes are unique. They still take 45 minutes and we've designed them to give you the freedom to start at your convenience. No need to stress about being a tad late due to family or traffic; you can still et your workout in!

Our 4-week programs are ongoing, ready for you to start at any time. Our 8-week programs are thoughtfully scheduled to align with certain school terms for maximum commitment. Get in touch to discover when the next program is starting!

Curious about the Altern8 experience? Check out our trove of reviews and testimonials. Our members are our best storytellers! See Reviews

We value your freedom, which is why our membership contracts are short-term. They run for just 3 months and automatically renew, but you can opt out with just 28 days' notice. Plus, each 3-month contract allows for up to 7 days of suspension, perfect for school holidays and more. Should you need longer suspension, it's just a small fee of $2 per day.

We provide valuable guidance through our 8-week program, although please note that we are not certified nutritionists. For a deeper dive into nutrition, we offer a 8 module course from a qualified dietitian and regularly host educational workshops with a registered dietitian. Contact us to discover when the next workshop is happening!

Train with your kids at Altern8! We handle this on a case-by-case basis, but typically, we welcome children over 14 years old, with a legal guardian always present. If your kids are over 16, they can train independently with your consent. Join us and make fitness a thrilling part of your life at Altern8! Your journey begins here.